

Thanks, smacthoughts for posting this on your blog. Made me want to spread it...
It won't embed correctly, so click on the video to watch a better version on youtube.


  1. We all should spread this 'word'.... watch it, everyone. It's a montage of images we have all seen before; just forgot they were so heart-wrenchingly beautiful.

  2. Hi Amy-thanks for posting this. I watched it and realised that I have to sloooooooow down...take a moment from all the to-do lists and such/ Life is so fleeting...all these million and million of moments. Thank you! How are you...I am really enjoying Kelly's class-it is really transformative and inspiring. She is an amazing teacher and ...the real deal. xxx

  3. Dear sweet Amy-I am so glad to hear from you! How have things been-busy it seems like! I read your comment on the women and creativity post I wrote and...YOU are a creative soul dear Amy! Your paintings are rich and real-they have depth, meaning. One of the things I am learning from Kelly's class is that we have to honor our beginnings...just start where you are...and go down that road of discovery. If there is anything I can do to support you...Have you had any time to read...WWRWW or Myss or...Big hugs xxx
